Wednesday, September 17, 2014

The Monarch's Progress: Poems with Wings

The Monarch's Progress: Poems with Wings was written and illustrated by Avis Harley. She does an amazing job revealing aspects of a monarch butterfly through different forms of poetry. This collection of poems is such a unique read, that will leave little ones pondering questions such as: "Do butterflies really taste with their feet!?"
The various forms of poems written by Avis Harley were paired with impressionistic illustrations of monarch butterflies. The pictures of the butterflies add something whimsical and lighthearted to the various poems . Children will enjoy seeing each singular butterfly, as well as the multiples of butterflies that seem to flock together in a group.


What makes this collection so interesting is its various forms of poetry. In all, Harvey lists eighteen different forms of poetry throughout this book. The poems are of great quality because they are condensed, and use rich language. Harvey really does a spectacular job examining an abounding amount of questions and features about butterflies. Children would become engaged in this collection of poetry due to its many surprising details about monarch butterflies.

Teachers should read this story to students between 2nd and 12th grade. Children will enjoy learning the various forms of poetry while also gaining knowledge about the magnificent monarch butterfly. While reading this story, teachers should ask questions such as: What form of poetry is this? What is the monarch butterfly doing in this poem? Did you know that monarch butterflies could... (ex taste with their feet)? What are the many forms a monarch butterfly takes? What is this transformation called? What do you think of the monarch butterfly's transformation? What form of poetry did you enjoy the most, and why? 

Class activities:
1. Have the student practice writing a poem about a monarch butterfly in the form they enjoyed best. In addition, have the student add a picture of a monarch butterfly with their poem using colored pencils, paint, crayons, markers, etc.
2. Have students create paper planes to examine the thought how far monarch butterflies can fly. Contemplate how shape and wing position affect the butterfly's flying distance.
3. Learn warning colors of such organisms. Contemplate how certain colors ward off predators and which butterflies are poisonous. Compare and contrast the bright colors with traffic warning signs in the community such as stop signs, crosswalk signs, yield signs, etc.
This is an interesting short tutorial for students to see how monarch butterflies transform:
I think this book is extremely beneficial for the home, and especially the classroom! Children will love The Monarch's Progress: Poems with Wings as well as these other books written by Avis Harley:
  • Leap Into Poetry: More ABCs of Poetry
  • African Acrostics: A Word in Edgeways
"What great thing would you attempt if you knew you could not fail?"
~Robert H. Schuller
Harley, A. (2008). The Monarch's Progress: Poems with Wings. Honesdale: Wordsong.


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